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SLO NightWriters

The premier writing organization on California's Central coast

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slo Nightwriters critique Groups

Critique Groups are a wonderful Member benefit! 

Below is an alphabetical listing of SLO Nightwriter critique groups. Though many of our groups are full, many welcome visitors. Always contact the group leader for the most current information regarding group openings and visiting options. You must be a member of Nightwriters to participate.

SLO Nightwriters is unable to guarantee critique group formation and availability, but we do strive to help our members connect with others to initiate and form their own writing affiliations. While we cannot be, and are not, responsible for any outcomes from these associations, we hope they lead to great creative magic and magnificent literary works!

Please contact our Critique Group Coordinator to list your critique group or your critique group needs in our monthly newsletter and on this website. 


Critique Group Coordinator - Position Open

Reminder - Only members of SLO NightWriters may attend critique groups!


Kick Start

We are a broad group of writers that recently combined with the "SLO Writers" critique group. We currently meet via Zoom on the first and third Thursdays of the month at 7:00 p.m. Our current members work mostly on novels, memoirs, or fiction stories about a wide variety of subjects.

  • Group Leader: David Schwab -
  • Status: Closed to new members, guests welcome 

Hi Hopes

This group was created to fill a need for a Los Osos/San Luis Obispo group that incorporates writers who generate stories, essays, novels, poetry–you get the picture -writers of any description. We meet at various locations, usually on the 2nd & 4th Mondays of the month at 9 a.m. and usually wrap up in time for lunch. Members must be vaccinated.

Whether or not you wish to publish, we’ll help you with ideas to improve your writing.

Please contact to arrange a visit, or to get more information.

  •  Group Leader: Sharon Sutliff -  (805)544-4034
  • Status: Closed to new members

Lo Prose

Meets in Los Osos on the first and third Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Meetings are currently hosted by Anne R. Allen and members are asked to wear masks.

The group runs a tight ship so that everyone can read. No cross talk permitted. We’re all serious but fun-loving. The group includes several multi-published authors. Presently the writing covers a number of genres: YA novels; short stories; fantasy; humorous mystery novels; political satire; and personal essays. We write just about everything except poetry.

  • Status: Closed to new members for now.

  • Group Leaders:
    • Anne R. Allen - (805) 528-1006
    • Charlie Perryess - (805)528-4090

North County Critique Group

We are a congenial group of skilled fiction and nonfiction writers that meet on second and fourth Thursday from 2:30-4:30 p.m. at the Atascadero Library. We have only recently begun to meet in person again. Our critique process is upbeat and constructive. We send out our pieces in advance and read aloud at sessions.

  • Status: Open to 2-3 new members on a tryout basis.
  • Group Leader: Lillian Cheney Brown -

Thursday Writers

Though we are Thursday Writers, we now meet every other Friday out of a member's home (south county) with masks.

  • Status: Not open to new members.
  • Group Leader: Leonard Carpenter

For questions: email

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 3154
San Luis Obispo, CA 93403

Meeting Address:
11245 Los Osos Valley Rd
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405

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