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slo review

Posting Date: November 17, 2022


Contact: Charlotte Alexander (

SLO Review, San Luis Obispo County’s online connection to arts and culture, publishes feature articles covering creative areas of interest, reviews of local productions and exhibits, commentary on creative expressions, and opportunities for everyone to explore their personal relationship with the arts.

If you are interested in submitting your writing to the SLO Review, please review their Contributor Guidelines and follow their submission instructions.  

If you have any questions, contact Charlotte Alexander. 

American Writers Review - A Literary Journal

Web link here


Web link here


These markets pay 

  • an honorarium
  • and/or a subscription
  • and/or a contributor's copy

Market/Contest mentions in this newsletter are not necessarily endorsements. Always check out all details for yourself (in case I make a mistake or misread something and because I don't include all the info here). See individual websites to be sure you have the complete information.

Web link here

They consider fiction and creative non-fiction (up to 4000 words); flash fiction (up to 1000 words); poetry (up to 3 pages); visual art (1 piece). Pays €200 for a short story or CNF piece, €100 for a poem or piece of flash, and €100 for visual art, as well as a copy of the magazine for each contributor. 


Web link here

Reading Fee: $5
For online publication only at epiphanyzine.comThey are “looking to publish devastating short fiction, a thousand words or less in any category or genre, that can be read in one giant gulp.” Want pieces 1000 words or fewer. Pays $25 for flash fiction they publish online.


Web link here

The home of “bold, experimental literary science fiction and fantasy. We want stories that make us think about our place in the universe and our relationships with each other. We want stories that blur the line between “genre” fiction and literary fiction. We want stories that reach toward the stars while never forgetting the people on the ground. And we want it all in under 1200 words. It’s a difficult challenge, but we have faith in you, fellow cosmonauts. Pays 8 cents USD per word. 


Web link here

The Cafe Irreal is a quarterly “webzine that presents a kind of fantastic fiction infrequently published in English. This fiction, which we would describe as irreal, resembles the work of writers such as Franz Kafka, Kobo Abe, Clarice Lispector and Jorge Luis Borges.” No minimum in length but the maximum is 2,000 words. Pays an honorarium of one cent U.S. per word ($2 minimum) to buy first-time internet rights (the story will then be archived).

For questions: email

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 3154
San Luis Obispo, CA 93403

Meeting Address:
11245 Los Osos Valley Rd
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405

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