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SLO NightWriters

The premier writing organization on California's Central coast

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Writers' resources

The links to websites that are listed on this page do not imply an endorsement of, or a sponsorship by, the SLO NightWriters organization. 

These references are meant only as suggestions for exploration. You may, or may not, wish to visit these places that many writers have found useful. All titles link to the corresponding website.

Happy hunting friends!

ARTS Obispo:

ARTS Obispo is designated by the County Board of Supervisors as the State-Local Partner of the California Arts Council to advance visual, literary and performing arts. ARTS Obispo’s mission is to increase access to all art forms and to arts education for the whole of the county.

How to Start a Blog (Simple Guide for Beginners):

Print on Demand Guide

Publishers Weekly:

The international news website of book publishing and bookselling, including business news, reviews, bestseller lists, commentaries and more.

Writer's Market:

This is the online, paid subscription version of the well-established paper and ink volume. For the current price of an online subscription you earn access not only to the 3,000 listings found in the paper volume, but also to about 4,500 additional listings. Again, we remind you that SLO NightWriters is not a sponsor of this service. Neither does our organization endorse the use of this resource. Explore and then decide if this tool is right for you.

  • Find places to sell your writing, whether you've got a book, manuscript, or article idea.
  • Manage your submissions with our easy-to-use record keeping tools.
  • Stay abreast of the latest publishing industry news.
  • Gain advanced publishing and marketing knowledge from our Q&A's with publishing experts.
  • Know how much to charge for freelance gigs with our popular pay rate chart.
  • Use information specific to your writing needs--whether you're interested in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, children's, scriptwriting, or agents--with our niche-specific pages.

Duotrope's Digest:

An award-winning, free writers' resource listing over 3325 current Fiction and Poetry publications. Use this page to search for markets that may make a fine home for the piece you just polished. Use the menus to explore the rest of the services offered to writers and editors, including a free online submissions tracker for registered users.


Provides free tools to help you self-publish and distribute your books, DVDs, CDs, video downloads and MP3s on-demand on and other channels.


An ebook publishing and distribution platform for ebook authors, publishers and readers. Smashwords offers multi-format, DRM-free ebooks, ready for immediate sampling and purchase, and readable on any e-reading device.


A social publishing site, where tens of millions of people share original writings and documents. Scribd's vision is to liberate the written word.

Agent Query:

Query offers the largest, most current searchable database of literary agents on the web. You'll find a treasure trove of reputable, established literary agents seeking writers just like you. And it's free.

All Freelance Writing:

This is a directory of paying freelance writers’ markets. You can browse the writers’ markets by category below or search them if you’re looking for something specific. What are you waiting for? Build a better writing career, one market at a time!

Editor & Publisher:

At Editor & Publisher's classified section you can find writing, editing and publishing opportunities.

Journalism Jobs:

Hundreds of journalism job listings from across the country.

The Market List:

The Market List is the original electronic writers market resource. Started in 1994 as an online ezine and with the first fully comprehensive writers market guidelines index online, The Market List has a long history of providing aspiring and professional writers with markets for their fiction.

Society of Children's Books Writers & Illustrators:

Resources and information for writers of books for children and young adults.

Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America:

SFWA is a professional organization for authors of science fiction, fantasy and related genres.  Esteemed past and present members include Isaac Asimov, Anne McCaffrey, Ray Bradbury, and Andre Norton.

Mystery Writers of America:

The latest information on mystery writing. Network with other mystery writers.

The Academy of American Poets. Thousands of poems as well as hundreds of poet biographies, essays, interviews and poetry recordings.

Romance Writers of America:

More than 10,000 romance writers and related industry professionals are members of Romance Writers of America. Although the association is called Romance Writers of America, membership is not limited to individuals living in the United States. Approximately 900 RWA members live outside the U.S., and RWA fosters connections between its members through the RWA Web site and its 145 local, online, and special-interest chapters. RWA's chapters provide opportunities for members to come together to discuss the industry and build connections with fellow romance writers.

Sisters In Crime:

Sisters in Crime (SinC) is an international organization founded in 1986 to promote the professional development and advancement of women writing crime fiction. Today, SinC is made up of more than 3,000 members in 48 chapters worldwide undefined authors, readers, publishers, agents, booksellers, librarians, and others who love mysteries.

Main pages on this site include, Story Structure, Script Formatting, Character Development, The Idea Factory, Selling Your Script and Samples Scripts.

The Write Thought:

Written and maintained by Stephen Blake Mettee, the founder of Quill Driver Books and the author of The Fast-Track Course on How to Write a Nonfiction Book Proposal. Mr. Mettee is also the editor of The Portable Writer’s Conference. He currently serves on the board of the Independent Book Publishers Association (formerly known as Publishers Marketing Association or PMA), the nation’s largest such organization. Stephen Mettee sold Quill Driver Books after fourteen years at the helm,  but he’s still the acquisitions editor. Quill Driver Books publishes nonfiction books on writing and publishing, business, health, and other genres. QDB’s authors include the famous, such as Dr. Ruth Westheimer, social media expert Paul Gillin, and America’s most popular medical columnist Peter H. Gott, M.D., as well as first-time authors.

Google Directory of Writers' Resources:

As you might expect from a Google website, here you'll find thousands of links related to the world of writers. References to agents, authors, children's writing, journal writing, poetry, publishers, writing exercises and more . . . more . . . more. Remember, please, that SLO NightWriters does not sponsor or endorse any of these sources of information. Explore at will. Pick and choose. Enjoy the journey.

Anne R. Allen’s Blog: Writing About Writing. Mostly.

Anne's highly-rated blog (updated Sundays) has received kudos from such publishing luminaries as former agent Nathan Bransford, Writer’s Digest’s Jane Friedman, agent Janet Reid, NYT bestselling author and former Random House editor Ruth Harris, social marketing guru Gary Canie and many others. She’s on the faculty of the Central Coast Writer’s Conference and is working on a writer’s survival guide with Pay it Forward author Catherine Ryan Hyde. Anne has been in the writing business long enough to have collected a pretty full set of mistakes. She blogs in hopes of helping a few newbies make better choices.

Resonsive Directory of Professional Writers & Writing Events

Jane Friedman

Jane Friedman is a leading authority on self-publishing, describing the process of adding a self-published a book to library collection.

Careers in Writing

Hope Clark

A great source of information about many things relevant to writers.

WOW! Women On Writing

Knighthood, Chivalry & Tournaments Resource Library

For questions: email

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 3154
San Luis Obispo, CA 93403

Meeting Address:
11245 Los Osos Valley Rd
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405

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