Publication Resources
The information and associated links to websites that are listed on the pages that are included inside this area of our website do not imply an endorsement of, or a sponsorship by, the SLO NightWriters organization.
Nor does any opportunity to submit work for possible publication that is displayed herein indicate a promise that your work will be accepted by a particular publication. As writers we understand that there exist no guarantees of success, however each one of us might define that term.
These references are meant only as suggestions for exploration. If you choose to take advantage on an opportunity listed here, please realize that any further communication regarding your submission will take place between you and the publication's editors.
From time to time, SLO NightWriters is fortunate to receive notice of calls for submission from various publishers and other organizations. We, in turn, pass the best of those notices on to our members.
As far as links to "how to get published"-- that's such a huge topic these days. For people who are interested in going the agent route, AgentQuery and QueryTracker are great.
There are so many!.
Happy Hunting!