SLO NightWriters general meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, except during July and August, at The PG&E Education Center, 6588 Ontario Road, San Luis Obispo, CA, just off Highway 101 at the San Luis Bay Drive exit, 7 - 9 pm. Members and guests are welcome to attend. Our Tuesday, August 9, 2011 Program is described below (Yes, this year we're not going summer dark!). We hope that you'll attend.
An Evening of Critique
Instead of our traditional “dark” months of July and August, at the August 9th, 2011 SLO NightWriters general meeting will we will cover the basics of effective critique process.
Members and guests, Bring 250-500 words to read for critique. We may break into small groups, and we'll hear and critique as many pieces as time allows.
Also bring paper and pen for taking critique notes. Don't be shy! It will be supportive, informative and fun!
SLO NightWriters Workshops -- aka Critique Groups -- are a special part of the NightWriters' experience. They are a Members-Only Benefit of SLO NightWriters. They offer a way to exchange writing for feedback with others in a supportive environment.
For further information regarding our critique groups you can always contact our Workshop Coordinator, Sharyl Heber (, or visit the Critique Workshop page of this website.
As well, please be aware that many of our members who have published books will have those books available at the meeting for your reading -- and purchasing -- pleasure!

1. Heading South on 101: Take San Luis Bay Drive exit (#196); turn right at stop sign, then the first left onto Ontario. It’s a quick left, because Ontario is a frontage road, so keep an eye out. As usual in California, signage isn’t as good as it could be. The PG&E Center is on the right about 1/4 mile from the turn.

2. Heading North on 101: Take San Luis Bay Drive exit (#196); turn left at the stop sign and go across the bridge over the highway. Just after bridge ends, after the southbound entrance to the 101, turn left onto Ontario, the frontage road. You’ll find PG&E on the right just a little way down the road. Huge parking lot with lots of lighting.