SLO NightWriters general meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at The PG&E Education Center, 6588 Ontario Road, San Luis Obispo, CA, just off Highway 101 at the San Luis Bay Drive exit, 7 - 9 pm. Members and guests are welcome to attend. Our Tuesday, June 12, 2012 Program is described below. We hope that you'll join us.
SLO NightWriters Presents:
The following description was written by Program Director Judy Salamacha.
AND THE WINNERS ARE……June is busting out all over with SLO NightWriters’ Contest Winners. Chairman Mark Arnold is ready to give out awards at the June meeting. Join us to see if you are one of the talented winners to be recognized. And if you didn’t enter this year, come help us celebrate the winners who did.
Arnold tells us the competition was fierce in 2012. Entries came from as far away as the UK. He said, “The one that got me was a lady who lives on an island in the Vancouver Straight, who heard about our contest from a relative living in Pismo. I think of her on that island so far from anywhere, but sending an entry anyway. Cool.”
He reports approximately 50 entries came from SLO NightWriters, including seven (7) of the top ten (10) short stories and nine (9) of the top ten (10) poems. Arnold will award five (5) in the short story category and four (4) for poetry. Both categories are inclusive of honorable mentions. Award winners were chosen as the result of two separate evaluations by an expert panel of judges. The judges, which will remain anonymous, are all published in poetry,
fiction or non fiction as well as librarians and academics from San Luis Obispo County.
“We are very grateful for their help,” said Arnold. “And all short story entries will receive an evaluation that includes information about the story arc, the characters, and the setting.”
AND COMING SOON AT A SLO LOCATION NEAR AND DEAR TO OUR HEARTS is the 28th Annual Central Coast Writers’ Conference. Director Judy Salamacha will have 2012 brochures hot of the printing press so you can register at the discounted early bird rate. Find out about the two…yes…two boot camps this year:
Tech, Toys & Tools: Self-Publishing & Guerilla Marketing presented by Carla King (Self-Publishing Boot Camp) and Larsen-Pomada Literary Senior Agent Laurie McLean;
the VAC Travel Writing Boot Camp with ten (10) Central Coast experience tours produced by Judie Fein and Paul Ross (Life is a Trip)
For the first time in the 28 year history a poet will keynote the conference. Jack Grapes is an industry icon who is not only a poet, but a publisher of a literary magazine (onthebus), the developer/author of Method Writing, a playwright and award winning actor. And there are still 32 more workshops in science fiction, life story, screenwriting, romance, poetry, children’s, publishing and editing by 19 faculty members.
Judy is bringing along two of the 28th Annual CCWC faculty members to share what they will be teaching at the conference: Robin Mellom, teen author of Ditched and soon to be released The Classroom, The Epic Documentary of a Not-Yet Epic Kid and Barbara Hodges, who has published numerous fantasy and mystery books, She just might tease us with her thoughts on collaboration with co-writers…she’s been involved in several.
As well, please be aware that many of our members who have published books will have those books available at the meeting for your reading -- and purchasing -- pleasure!

1. Heading South on 101: Take San Luis Bay Drive exit (#196); turn right at stop sign, then the first left onto Ontario. It’s a quick left, because Ontario is a frontage road, so keep an eye out. As usual in California, signage isn’t as good as it could be. The PG&E Center is on the right about 1/4 mile from the turn.

2. Heading North on 101: Take San Luis Bay Drive exit (#196); turn left at the stop sign and go across the bridge over the highway. Just after bridge ends, after the southbound entrance to the 101, turn left onto Ontario, the frontage road. You’ll find PG&E on the right just a little way down the road. Huge parking lot with lots of lighting.