Journaling for Writers: Improve your fiction and nonfiction writing through a writer-specific daily journaling practice
We've all heard the benefits of journaling for your personal development and mental health. But as writers, the journal takes on an even more important role: helping you capture and process your life experiences to deepen your writing.
Whether you're a seasoned journaler or staring at a blank book, this mini-workshop is your gateway to unlocking the power of journaling to give your writing projects the essential elements of truth and vulnerability that can only be tapped from lived experience.
How can journaling improve your writing?
· Stay “in the zone” on your project throughout the day
· Bypass your inner critic
· Clarify your thoughts
· Discover themes in your life that can inform your writing
· Real details from lived experience add depth to your writing
· Get more out of limited writing time
· Ditch the writer’s block and get “unstuck” from creative sticking points
What will we cover?
· Learn the benefits of journaling for writers and how this essential practice has helped other successful writers
· Develop and enhance your regular journaling process to better support current and future projects
· Explore techniques for how to mine your existing journals for fiction and nonfiction ideas
· Familiarize yourself with tools and technologies to capture your thoughts on the go--while they're fresh
· Discover new technologies and tools to make your journal system easier and more effective
· Explore different systems of journaling and note taking – where does note taking begin and journaling end?
· Use your journal to capture and draw upon the things that inspire you: books, articles, TV shows, etc.
· Learn how to use journaling to stay “in the zone” throughout your day
Brenna Humphreys is the founder of Walkthrough Productions, a boutique visual capture and documentation agency. Brenna spent ten years as a Senior Writer in the Creative Department at RPA where she won multiple advertising and branded content/entertainment awards. Her fiction has been published in Southwest Missouri State University Press - Proud to Be: Writing by American Warriors.
Plus, join us as we celebrate the 35th anniversary of SLO NightWriters with cake, the conclusion of our auction of 35 items, a one-day-only 35% discount on lifetime memberships, special commemorative souvenirs, and more.
5:15 pm (PDT) Critique Group Round Table
6:30 pm (PDT) General Meeting Presentation
11245 Los Osos Valley Rd San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
Zoom Invite Link: to be emailed to all members before the meeting